Search Results For: Bundtamonth
Well, hey there stranger. Remember me? I know some of you do, because I’m still receiving comments on older posts (hello Italian Anise Bundt Cake) and visitor traffic to the site. I’ve been super crazy with family, sports schedules, and Supply Chain day job. Life is going great, but I’ve been missing you all. Yes, […]
It’s fall y’all and we were celebrating hard this weekend with a visit to the pumpkin patch. I am one of those people that gets excited for the return of pumpkin spice everything. For me it’s short-lived because as the temps grow colder, I welcome my all-time favorite flavor of peppermint. So if you’re one […]
Happy Sunday everyone! I am still in catch up mode since school let out last week, but I made sure I was signed up this week’s #SundaySupper because the theme is a favorite of mine – Summer Berries! I love summer fruit and veggies in general. They just taste so much better. We usually try […]
I’ve got some awesome plans this weekend! I am baking some super special treats to sell at the Merchant’s Walk Blogger Bake Sale to benefit No Kid Hungry! What: Blogger Bake Sale to benefit No Kid Hungry! When: Saturday May 4th 9:00AM-1:00PM Where: Merchant’s Walk Funds raised by nationwide Bake Sales for No Kid Hungry support Share […]
If you have visited this blog, you know I have professed my love for sweets. I have rediscovered a joy in baking, and I am sure that it’s part of my participation in my #BundtAMonth group. When I share pictures of my pretty baked goods, I receive comments like “Oh, I wish I was at […]
Happy Sunday everyone! It’s that time again to gather everyone up and have a meal around the family table. This week’s recipe theme is citrus, and boy do I have a doozy to share. I was one determined baker tracking down this recipe after I saw it on Pinterest. Behold the adorably delicious Pink Lemonade […]
We love routine in our house. It’s part of what keeps us moving steadily when we are on the go all week. On weekends, however, the routine relaxes a bit. No one is awake before 7:30 am. Baby is the earliest riser in the house, and she is followed closely by DH. I am […]
Super bowl may be happening this weekend, but Valentine’s Day is on the horizon. I think back to when I was growing up, and one special memory from Valentine’s Day was my Dad giving us each a small heart shaped box of candy. Go figure why I always associate Valentine’s Day with chocolate. Thanks, Dad! […]
This past weekend I made a big leap into getting healthy and losing weight. I didn’t make a weight loss resolution at New Year’s, because let’s be honest, resolutions come and go. I wasn’t ready on Jan 1st to focus on what it takes to be successful. I have had success in structured weight loss […]
I’ve been pretty quiet the last few days. With the holiday, being off from the office, and my parents in town from FL, I was just soaking in all the family time. I am typically not one to make new year’s resolutions, but there is a first time for everything, right? Resolution one (and only) […]