Currently Browsing: Pinterest
Summer is gone. I’d insert my sad face here, but Fall is really my favorite time of year, so I am not upset at all. We can finally stop sweating in the GA sweltering heat and enjoy some sweatshirt weather. I first started my Summer Grilling board while particpating in the Applegate hot dog campaign. If you […]
We love us some crispy, saucy finger lickin’ good hot wings in our house. Not too spicy though, unless there is some homemade creamy blue cheese dressing on the side to cool off your fiery tongue. This week I am sharing my blazing buffalo inspired Hot Wingin’ It Board which features alternate ways to enjoy […]
I can easily spend hours in the kitchen making everything from dips to desserts and the time will just fly by. Want to know what else I love? Spending hours looking at other people’s pictures of food. I am not a professional food photographer by any means, but I can truly appreciate the beautiful works […]
The Hartzell house received awesome news this week! DH will soon be retiring from the stay at home dad circuit! Wahoo!!! DH will be heading back into the full time working grind, and once again we will be a two income household. The last 2+ years we have been hanging in somewhat of a holding […]
It’s Tuesday, and that means it’s time to share some of my favorite finds on Pinterest! This week’s theme is PIZZA! We love pizza in our house and make our own often, and always with a variety of toppings. Check out our previous Mexican pizzas here or my pizza puffs here. I love, that by […]
Our family loves pizza. We make homemade pizza on a regular basis. It’s one of our favorite Friday night family activities in the kitchen. We sometimes turn the dough inside out to make calzones, and over the holidays, I even made my own garlic pull apart bread with pizza dough that was delicious. It shouldn’t […]
Last year there was a lot of hullabaloo over the Elf on the Shelf. I didn’t know much about it, and I let the holidays slip by without so much as a Google on the popular Santa Spy. Around Thanksgiving, I started seeing all the same buzz again. My curiosity was even more heightened by […]
As a family of four, there are very few things everyone in the family enjoys to eat. The hardest to satisfy lately is my two year old. Jed is at the stage where he only wants to eat fish sticks, dinosaur chicken nuggets, and cheese sticks. Lately, Jed has been asking for applesauce with dinner, […]
I immensely dislike the heat, ironic too, that I made a conscious decision to move to the South. Luckily, I can easily travel from air-conditioned house, to air-conditioned car, to air-conditioned office. You get the idea. When the Fall cool weather starts to roll in and the leaves start to change, I happily get out […]
So I have a little bit of a problem and it’s called Pinterest! Heaven help me! I am already a self professed Twitaholic, and now I am being sucked into this new plethora of incredible-ness. Yeah, that’s probably not a word, but give the Urban dictionary time. So for those of you that don’t know, […]