The Hottest Side Dish On Pinterest – Crash Hot Potatoes

I can easily spend hours in the kitchen making everything from dips to desserts and the time will just fly by. Want to know what else I love? Spending hours looking at other people’s pictures of food. I am not a professional food photographer by any means, but I can truly appreciate the beautiful works of art that food photographers create. That’s where Pinterest comes in for me.  I see a beautiful dish and it looks so incredibly delicious, that I want to make it for my family to enjoy. Sometimes it’s easier said than done.

For example, I saw these fantastic looking Crash Hot Potatoes (Photo credit, The Pioneer Woman), and pinned them to my Favorite Recipes board.

DH is a HUGE potato fan so I thought I would give them a whirl by slightly modifying the recipe to our flavor profile preference.

New Potatoes (or other small, round potato)
Olive Oil
Kosher Salt

1. In a large pot bring salted water to a boil.
2. Add potatoes and boil until fork tender.
3. Drizzle baking sheet with olive oil, use plenty as this will prevent the potatoes from sticking and make for wonderful crunchy bottomed potatoes.
4. Place cooked potatoes on baking sheet and smash gently

My first “crashed” potato.
Not very pretty.
More like smashed and crumbled.
I persevered.
I figured they had to get better.

Any worse and I would just have mashed potatoes on a baking sheet.

The next few did get better, and by the end they filled the baking sheet nicely.

5. Drizzle the tops of the potatoes with olive oil. I used our favorite parmesan and basil dipping oil for extra flavor.
6. Sprinkle with kosher salt and I added garlic powder too.
7. Bake in 450 F degree oven until crispy and browned to your liking.

I peeked in on them baking and they were crisping up beautifully!

When they were finally fully baked, the potatoes looked amazing!

And the flavor did not disappoint. The basil from the dipping oil I used added great flavor and the little crunch from the coarse seal salt was perfect. The potatoes were crunchy on the top and bottom but still a little creamy in the middles of the bug nuggets. I will definitely be adding this recipe into our normal side dish rotation. The flavor combinations are endless, and we are excited to try them all!

What is your family’s go to potato side dish?

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