Hosting a big event like Thanksgiving dinner can quickly empty your wallet. Luckily, there are ways that you can work around your budget and create a get-together that everyone will enjoy. In the end, it is all about being together and having a wonderful time. It shouldn’t be about the amount of money you spend, so I’m here to share with you how to Host a Thanksgiving Dinner on a Budget.
First and foremost, set a budget. You don’t know how much money you have to buy dinner ingredients, until you determine how much you can afford to spend.
Second, create a guest list, and limit the invites. Don’t allow yourself to feel guilty for leaving people off the list. It will be much easier on your wallet if you only invite your closest friends and/or family members. Less people eating calls for a smaller turkey, as well as smaller side dishes and fewer desserts.
Next, set an RSVP date for guests and make sure they respond. If you know how many guest will attend, you can plan more accurately on how much food you will need. Your grocery bill will likely be less if you know the head count for the dinner.
Make a plan for the meal. Serve what you know your guests will eat and not leave you with a ton of leftovers. Easy access to Pinterest and other cooking websites, leave you wanting to prepare the most intricate of meals. You will be slaving away the entire week before your Thanksgiving dinner trying to recreate every dish and yummy treat that appeals to you. In reality, this will likely cause you to go over your intended budget for the day. Instead, limit the menu to the turkey, 2-3 sides, and 2 desserts.
Still want to save a little more after reviewing your meal plan? Ask guests to bring a side dish or dessert. Good guests do not like to show up empty handed. Say yes, when they ask if they can bring something. Not only does it reduce the amount of money you have to spend, it adds a nice variety to the menu. Keep track of what guests are bringing so you can balance the entire meal. You don’t want everyone to bring a dessert, and end up with zero side dishes.
Scour the sale ads for the best prices on Thanksgiving dinner ingredients. Some stores will offer a free turkey the week of the holiday, assuming you purchase a certain dollar amount in their store. If your budget allows, grab this deal to save money on your meal. Throw in a few extra necessities for the rest of the week’s meals if necessary to meet the required spending amount.
Finally, use regular dinnerware to save on buying disposable paper products. This may mean a bigger chore at the end of the evening, but your bank account will thank you for not wasting money on items that do not improve your actual meal. Besides, your plates, silverware, and glasses will make a prettier table setting than paper items.
What’s you favorite tip to save money while hosting Thanksgiving?
[…] Hosting a big event like Thanksgiving dinner can quickly empty your wallet. Luckily, there are ways that you can work around your budget and create a get-together that everyone will enjoy. In the end, it is all about being together and having a wonderful …read more […]
[…] Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It’s time to get started with the holiday baking and the cookie exchanges! This year, I am participating in the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap. I am so excited! The GREAT FOOD BLOGGER COOKIE SWAP brings together food bloggers from around the world in celebration of all things scrumptious. I signed up and have already received the addresses of my three other food bloggers to send cookies. I will send each blogger one dozen cookies, and then I will receive three different boxes of cookies from other bloggers. Yesterday I received my first delivery of cookies, so today I scoured the internet looking for the perfect recipe to make and send to my three bloggers. I wanted to share some of the recipes in case you were also still looking for baking inspiration. Check out these 15 Scrumptious Christmas Cookie Recipes! […]
Thanks for these great tips Karen! I think most people do try to save a few dollars by scouring the sale ads for the best prices on ingredients or substituting cheaper alternative ingredients which are effective, but I think your prior points on using a more disciplined approach on the budget, number of guests, rsvp deadlines and sticking with a reasonable number of dishes would make a much bigger impact on the bottomline.