Hey, y’all! I know it’s been super quiet here in the kitchen lately, but it’s with good reason. I’ve been tasked with getting our house ready to sell. DH accepted a position back in Pennsylvania with his previous employer, so we’re moving back to the north. In the past few weeks I have honed my ninja decluttering skills and worked really hard to prep and stage the house, including my beloved kitchen. Hopefully in the coming weeks, I can even get back to writing and share some good tips for moving with kids since they are older this time around.
Hard work paid off. The MLS listing went live on Friday night and after multiple showings, we accepted an offer Sunday night. With the help of a knowledgeable realtor and accurately pricing our home, we were able to sell our home in three days. I’m still in shock.
I’m blessed with an incredibly supportive husband, that accepted the challenging role of stay at home dad, while I worked outside the home. After six years of calling Atlanta our home we are in for big changes going back to both parents working outside the home. It’s no secret, I will greatly miss the flexibility of DH always being available in the stay at home role. Balancing work life for both partners with children is no easy task, but we will manage just like we did before we moved south.
I’ll be sad to leave are southern home. It was challenging at first. Making friends as an adult is hard yo, but I have met some amazing people, shared some amazing adventures, and made solid friendships that I will cherish the rest of my days. I’m especially thankful for social media conference friends and of course the entire network of awesomeness known as the Georgia social media moms community.
Hopefully things won’t change much here in the kitchen while we continue to prepare for the big move north. I’ll try and get back to posting regularly. I’m thankful for my parents and so many others in my life to make this transition possible. Cross your fingers that we’ll be able to find a house in PA that allows us to coordinate both closings in the same week.
Do you have any tips to share to make moving easier? I’m all ears!
What? I have a hard time believing that YOU have a hard time making friends. You are one of the sweetest people I know. Best wishes on your next chapter. It’s going to be FABULOUS!
You are too sweet, Leandrea! Thank you and I will def miss all the awesome GSMMs!