Currently Browsing: Wordless Wednesday
Riding round and round Heart overflowing with joy Can we go again? Nothing screams happiness more than riding an up and down horse on a carousel with your Poppy.
Today at the park, Jed wanted to get on the swings. He’s never shown much interest, but Baby was swinging away, so of course he wanted to do what Big Sister was doing. Jed did awesome hanging on to the side chains all the while saying “faster, faster” and “higher, higher”! Such a BIG BOY! […]
Things have been a bit crazy around here with the great extreme playroom makeover and the grandparents in town. I thought I would take finally take a deep breath and take a minute to show you this fluffy white ball of cuteness! Meet the adorable Suzy Q, my parent’s new puppy. The kids loved having […]
*********************************** Toes reach to the sky Feeling weightless as you fall Wishing time stood still On Saturday I was swinging, on my own swing, right along side of Baby in the sunshine at Fowler Park. I felt 6 years old again. It was an awesome day. *********************************** I LINKED up for Wordless/Wordful Wednesday! If you […]
My husband in his natural habitat. Sports is as strong a passion for him as social media is for me. Baseball season is winding down and DH is scheduling the last of his trips to Coolray Field. This weekend we will attempt to go as a family of four for the last Sunday home game […]
Feeling a little Haiku-ish today, even though it’s not Tuesday. 🙂 Love my dear sweet pea Sharing time with handsome dad Precious memories Baby has taken quite a shine to going to Braves games with DH. Personally, I think it’s the lure of the cotton candy and foot long hot dogs they share, but I […]