Currently Browsing: Toddler

Wordless Wednesday

Monkey See, Monkey Do Baby is a dunker. She loves dunking her cookies into milk. Silly grin and all. Jed does his best to do everything his big sister does. Here Jed decided he wanted to dunk his cookies in milk too. I was also thinking ahead to give him a shallow cup to minimize […]


Improving Your Toddler’s Eating Habits

You always hear how each pregnancy, birth and child is different. I can truly attest to that being the mother of two. My children are as different as night and day. As a toddler, Baby was content to play in one place with her toys for hours at a time. Jed, on the other hand, […]


Work / Life Balance

So sorry it’s been a while, friends-o-mine. Mantaining a healthy work/life balance is sometimes a very slippery slope. For the past two weeks I have been sliding noticeably downward. Working late and a bit of traveling has taken a toll on DH, the kids and of course my shiny new blog . In the midst […]


Wordless Wednesday

If you know me in real life, you have probably heard me mentioned how active my 2 year old son is. I think the term I use most frequently is naughty as described in this post. 🙂 I don’t think Jed is bad by any means. He is adorable and his cuteness has spared him […]


Big Boy Haircut

Back in November we traveled to Florida to see family for the Thanksgiving holiday. When we were there, my sister (a hairdresser) gave Jed his first real haircut. She pretty much just trimmed it up around his bangs and the back. My children are not prone to a large amount of hair before they turn […]


The Blog Is Live Mommy and Me Monday

Shhhhh. Look. Over there. By the wall oven. The camera shy, always talkative but rarely photographed Momminous Extrordinarious And she is smiling. A rare photo indeed, but as time marches on, this too will change as I participate in… Hosted by Krystyn