Coming down the parkway, about a mile from my house, I rounded the curve and this is what I saw!
It was a gorgeous afternoon and the hot air balloon was cool to see so close. It reminded me of the open field near the Graco office in Exton, PA, where I used to work. There were always hot air balloons landing and taking off from that field.
Seeing the balloon made me homesick for friends, and long for the way things used to be before relocating.
Change is hard.
Being so far from life long friends and family is even harder.
But in my heart I know this move was the right thing for our family at the time. Coming up on our three year anniversary here in Atlanta in June, I keep hoping that things will stop being so hard. They will eventually, but today I just think about how seeing a bright colored hot air balloon floating in the sky usually makes me feel inside.
Believe in something strong enough, and it becomes reality.
What always makes you smile inside and out when you see it?
Wow, how cool! One of those comes around our house every now and then.
Twitter: MommyTalkShow
I hate to be cliche, but rainbows make me smile!
Hot air balloons are so beautiful! Someday, I will take a ride in one!
Twitter: crunchybchmama
oh, I love seeing hot air balloons! I’m going to have to say a Rainbow always makes me smile. They are so beautiful 🙂