Currently Browsing: Potatoes
After 2 days back in the office, Memorial weekend feels almost like a distant memory. We enjoyed a whirlwind of family adventures, AND I made these incredible Crispy Hot Dog and Potato Kugel Cups! Friday was the last day of school for Baby, so we started the holiday weekend with some celebratory ice cream. What […]
WOW! I have been insanely busy the past 2 weeks! As the holiday creeps closer and closer, I am sure you all can completely relate! I ran out of time this week, and totally missed the deadline for participating in this week’s #SundaySupper of Favorite Celebrity Chef Recipes. That doesn’t mean I still can’t still […]
We are all about the quick and easy dinners in our house some evenings. I have no shame in sharing that I keep frozen french fries and frozen veggies on hand at all times. We all have nights when there is no time to spare trying to get a balanced dinner on the table. Other […]
I can easily spend hours in the kitchen making everything from dips to desserts and the time will just fly by. Want to know what else I love? Spending hours looking at other people’s pictures of food. I am not a professional food photographer by any means, but I can truly appreciate the beautiful works […]
So I have a little bit of a problem and it’s called Pinterest! Heaven help me! I am already a self professed Twitaholic, and now I am being sucked into this new plethora of incredible-ness. Yeah, that’s probably not a word, but give the Urban dictionary time. So for those of you that don’t know, […]