Currently Browsing: Hebrew National

Ending #99SummerDays With a Bang and Sweet Banana Pudding Parfaits

I knew this day was coming. The end of Summer. We’re already back to school, but soon the neighborhood pool will close, and the leaves will start to turn. We won’t have a nip in the air for a while here in the South, but you know it’s coming. This Friday, I am taking advantage […]


Puff Pastry Franks and Beans Celebrating #99SummerDays

Well it’s here and I am not ready. Tomorrow I will have a third grader getting on the bus to start the new school year, and I am not sure how that happened. At this point, I am not even sure where Summer went. We have struggled for sunny days this Summer, but in spite […]


Crispy Phyllo Dough Wrapped Hot Dogs #99SummerDays #HebrewNational

Here in the South our schools let out earlier than in the North.  I have a friend in Maine that said her children will be in school 4 weeks longer than mine.  Sheesh!  My kids are already in full swing Summer vacation mode, and that includes a few fly by the seat of our pants […]