Currently Browsing: Graco
Last week we were very excited to attend a group playdate in the park. My friend, Kate, over at Big Girl Little Girl is moving soon and leaving the Atlanta area. {Insert very, very sad face here…} I work with Kate at Graco and we are both blog contributors, and though we are all very […]
I’m sick again. Feeling like crap. Behind on posts, especially my Project Flawless12 posts. Sometimes you just can’t catch a break. I guess this is one of those times. Last week, Baby and DH had a long weekend planned to PA to visit the in-laws. I was staying home with Jed. I had planned a […]
Baby lost another tooth. Since this is still a pretty new event in our house, Baby dancing around singing about her tooth can be considered pretty normal. But what came next, I wasn’t expecting. Baby: “What’s the Tooth Fairy’s name?” Me: “Ummmm…yeah…I’m not really sure. Why do you want to know?” Baby: “Well, Poppy sent […]
Technology. I’ll be honest and tell you that it scares me a little. As adults, so much of our current world spent online that we rarely find ourselves completely unplugged. With the current society consumed by blogs, Facebook, and other social networks, are we aware of how this affects our maturing youth? Are you like […]
About 5 weeks ago, my friend Melissa from Full Circle finally received word that she and her husband would indeed be able to adopt the two foster children in their care. Then tragedy struck. A week later, Melissa suddenly and unexpectedly lost her loving husband, Matt. Only recently did I find out about both pieces […]
I’ve been crazy busy lately in the office, but not specifically due to my Supply Chain duties. 🙂 I was offered a great opportunity for some specialized training on site in our building and I jumped on it. I am very proud to announce that I am now officially certified as a Child Passenger Safety Technician! […]
******************************* Happy Birthday to me! ******************************* Forty two full years Joy, laughter, fear and sorrow So much more to come ******************************* Big thanks to Caleb and the Graco Blog team for passing on the Birthday Monkey! And a super sweet thank you to the FAB @lizzerb for my sweet birthday treat! What did you wish […]
WOW! It has been quite the busy week. I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted and it’s only Thursday. My parents arrived safely last night for a spring break visit. Jed and Baby are enjoying some great fun with Nanny and Poppy, and I a sure there is plenty more to come over the […]
One of the greatest things I love about working where I do, is knowing every day I go to work, what we do as a company makes a difference. We all like to think we have a purpose when it comes to our job, and with me, I feel it in my heart and soul. I […]
“I think back to about a year ago when I was reading posts on the Graco blog. I knew nothing about the blogosphere, I just thought the stories were fun and the pictures of the children were way too cute not to check out. Each of the bloggers were original and inspiring in their own […]