Currently Browsing: Gallo Family Vineyards

Caramel Apple Turnovers #SundaySupper With @GalloFamily Holiday Wine Blends

I love the holidays. Almost every year growing up I would end up with a case of strep throat, but that never put a damper on my holiday spirit. My Grandmother and Great Aunt would always visit from New Jersey and stay with us for a week or two. Our house was full of love, […]


Cafe Zinfandel Caramelized Onion Grilled Cheese #SundaySupper

Wine and cheese go together like peanut butter and jelly. It’s a perfect pairing, but what happens when you invite crispy, buttery bread into the crazy mix? You create a grilled cheese party like no other! This week the Sunday Supper crew is celebrating National Grilled Cheese Month with Gallo Family Vineyards. What am I […]