Currently Browsing: Blogging
I love blog conferences. Not only do you get to learn a ton of new information about how to improve your blog, but you get to meet and see tons of blog friends (old and new) in real life. Whether you “know” the person digitally before meeting, or you just decide to meet at the […]
I really enjoy sharing giveaways for everything under the sun. Unfortunately, I am currently suffering from Not Enough Hours in a Day Syndrome, so I don’t get to enter as many as I like. That will change with this one though. If you are a blogger and want to take your blog to the next […]
So sorry it’s been a while, friends-o-mine. Mantaining a healthy work/life balance is sometimes a very slippery slope. For the past two weeks I have been sliding noticeably downward. Working late and a bit of traveling has taken a toll on DH, the kids and of course my shiny new blog . In the midst […]
Top Ten Things I want to accomplish with my blog 1. Build and interact more with my online community 2. Improve my writing 3. Give me a place to corral my random thoughts 4. Take more pictures and improve my photography 5. Share fun and easy recipes 6. Creative an archive for my children and […]