Top Ten Tuesday – Things I Would Do With Extra Time

Top Ten {Tuesday}

As a full time WOHM, I find myself constantly wishing for more hours in a day. Usually these hours would be spent on necessary things like laundry or a special project at work.

What if you were given 1-2 extra hours a day?

Without having to reduce the amount of time you got to sleep, which is usually where parents end up finding “extra time”.

Here are ten things that I would do if I was given extra time in a day.

1. Scrapbook – I started my first scrapbook during my first pregnancy. It is a fun and creative outlet. To scrap though, I need at least 2 hours. It takes me at least 30 minutes to get organized when I sit down to do it.

2. Tweet – Yes, I know I am a self proclaimed twitaholic, and I do find time to tweet almost every day. I say let there be no shame in wanting more! Feel free to follow me and support my habit.

3. Facebook – I have so many pictures that still are not uploaded, emails that are unanswered, and people I want to reconnect with by the dozens. Seems every time I do find the time to sign in I find myself looking at everyone else’s pictures that they have uploaded in a timely fashion. Maybe if everyone stops uploading new pics for a week, I can actually get to uploading mine. Probably not, but it’s at least a theory.

4. Wander aimlessly around a furniture store. I really enjoy window shopping just to be out and about. I can usually get DH to agree to shopping at the local outlet mall on a sunny day since the stores are all outside. Furniture store browsing takes an act of congress.

5. Craft time with DD – My daughter enjoys all sorts of crafts just like her Nanny. I have all the supplies on hand thanks to multiple window shopping trips to Hobby Lobby, but rarely have the time to just sit down and create. Having a 2 yr old makes it tough too. He wants to do everything his sister does, and let me tell you…he is NOT ready to be handling a glue stick.

6. Picnics – Something about just calling the meal a picnic makes it more appealing. I know my kids eat all of their sandwich when we are on a picnic (and even some of mine too), yet argue about finishing lunch/dinner at the table.

7. Bake – Baby loves to bake. She even got an Easy Bake Oven this year for Christmas. Do you think that thing has been out of the box yet? Shame on Mommy! I vow it will be out of the box for next week’s Mommy and Me Monday photo! You heard it here!

8. Read – More blogs, books, magazines, etc. Something. Anything. I love to read, but never find the time. I even have a kindle loaded with new and exciting books. It too sits lonley and unopened on the end table.

9. Send cards – I have blank cards to create (see #5) and ready made cards in a file on hand. I would like to take the time and send some of them. Emails will never take the place of a thoughtful handwritten note to someone. Sad to say I actually had time to write in and address a card recently, yet it sits on my desk at work without a stamp.

10. Play – I would not open my laptop. I would not clear the dishes and put leftovers away. I would just play with my kids with any extra time I can get. Before I know it, they will be grown and too old to play trains or dolls. I need to take the time now before it slips away from me. I already feel like time is flying by way too fast.

What would you do with an extra 1-2 hrs a day?

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