I am very excited and honored to feature another guest poster here at In The Kitchen!
Please grab yourself a cup of coffee and gather ’round the center island for some great information on a growing global youth service movement from Jessica Kirkwood, VP Interactive Strategy, Points of Light Institute
PS…If you decide to eat some cookies with your coffee, I won’t tell anyone!
As a strong believer in the role community service plays in helping young people enhance their education and contribute to society, I’d like to invite you and your family to join me and my family and participate in a program that is very close to our hearts.
Next week, generationOn, the youth activation division of Points of Light Institute, will launch its annual Make Your Mark Week, October 16-22, an initiative that strives to inspire and mobilize youth to use their energy, ingenuity and compassion to “make their mark on the world” through hands-on service. During the week, young people will take part in small acts or service projects that together make a big impact on their lives, their communities and the world.
Research has shown that young people want to make a difference in the areas that matter most to them. Because of this, generationOn has chosen five service and project areas for Make Your Mark Week 2011 including animals, environment, homelessness, hunger and literacy.
Right now, projects are being planned across the country. In Nebraska, first through fifth grade students at Columbia Elementary School in Omaha will make their mark by creating rope devices that will be used to train service dogs to open doors, refrigerators and other various items. In Georgia, members of the Boys & Girls Club of Southeast Georgia are using their artistic talents to produce containers featuring plaques that encourage residents to recycle their waste.
What are you and your family going to do to make your mark? With a goal of reaching 100,000 young people, I encourage you to get involved and make your mark in your local community by visiting http://kidsvolunteer.generationon.org to pledge an action and join the movement.
It’s easy!
Together, we can help kids truly make a difference.