Having a yard sale can take a lot of time to prepare, but the more organized you are, the better your sale will be. It can be difficult to find things if you are disorganized – and no seller wants to run the risk of misplacing their money, pen, or anything else! Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to make it easier and maybe make a little more money. Today I am sharing How To Organize a Yard Sale so it’s less stressful for you, and hope these tips help you be more successful as well!
1. Create a yard sale notebook.
This notebook should be dedicated solely to your yard sale organization. Write down all of the details of your sale inside the book, including tentative dates. Creating To-Do list in your notebook sale book is also super handy, so you don’t forget anything before, during, or after your sale.
2. Categorize your items during set up.
Categorizing everything you want to sell and arranged in groups is essential for an easy to shop yard sale. Your shoppers will likely thank you if they can see all that you have at a glance, rather than having to walk to each table to search with everything mixed together. The goal is to have everything accessible so your shoppers aren’t having to ask if you have this or that, or standing around wondering what things are.
- Housewares should be arranged on the tables with breakables toward the center.
- Clothing needs its own section, further separated by adults and children, and even by size if you have the time. My best tip is to buy or borrow a rolling garment rack
and hang what you can. Neatly fold the rest if you can. Yes it will get messy, but straightening it up again will keep you a little busy instead of just randomly staring at shoppers. Shoes can be placed on the ground near the clothes.
- Books and toys work great in bins or even just cardboard boxes.
3. Price your items before the sale.
Having items clearly labeled and priced to sell is key to an organized yard sale. It will also make your day A LOT easier. There will be less people constantly asking “how much?” or “will you take…?” This also helps to think logically for your prices. You don’t have to think on your feet constantly to compare an item’s emotional worth compared to what is a fair price. As you sort and categorize your items, add the price lable. Easy peasy.
4. Have a table just for your money and related items.
This is a place for you to set up, so that everything is kept within your reach – and doesn’t randomly disappear. Make sure you have lots of $1 bills and coins on hand to make change for early shoppers. I personally always wear a cross-body handbag to hold all the money, but a money box always within your reach works well too.
5. Sell Snacks and drinks.
Seriously. You would be surprised how many early shoppers will easily drop a few dollars for a cold drink and some food. My mom made a ton one yard sale by offering hot dogs and drinks. All the neighbors sent their kids over for lunch!
6. Allow yourself plenty of time to prepare.
Never wait until the night before to begin planning your yard sale. You will certainly struggle to get everything done in time. Set aside time to sort through your home for unwanted items in advance, pick up donations from family and friends, and definitely advertise your yard sale. The more time you invest, the higher your reward (and cash) will be.
Organizing your yard sale in advance and in detail may sound daunting, but it will make your life MUCH easier the day of the event. It’s likely to help you make more money too, so it’s worth it in my opinion. We can all use a little more money in our wallets for fun family adventures later.
What’s you best tip to make a yard sale successful?