According to the news lately, many location around the country are experiencing super high summer temperatures, and of course Atlanta is no different. When it’s so hot that going to the pool isn’t fun anymore, I look for local activities to keep us busy, but indoors where it’s a lot more bearable.
Earlier this week DH heard the new LEGO® store was opening in our local mall. In celebration of the grand opening, the store was promoting a Master Builder event. If you are not familiar with LEGO® building events, participants can help a real LEGO Master Builder construct something. The event at our mall featured building an 8 foot tall model of R2D2™ completely out of LEGO® bricks!
DH took the kids over early on Friday for the start of the build. They each built their section according the directions supplied, and Baby and Jed each received a free Certificate of Achievement for helping and a commemorative LEGO® brick.
When I got home from work Friday, the kids squealed with excitement as they described their building adventure in great detail. DH was even impressed enough with the event to suggest we all go back on Sunday to check the progress. I was easily convinced, as this obviously isn’t something you can just check out at your local market any day of the week. Plus I knew I could snap a few pictures…as if this shocks any of you.
We headed over to the mall late Sunday and were impressed to see R2D2 standing tall! I snapped a few pics, and even though I looked a fright, jumped in one for this week’s Mommy and Me Monday. The next hour was spent snacking on a frozen yogurt treat and fast breeze through Macy’s. Again…if you know me, this won’t shock you. 🙂
If you hear about a LEGO® building event near you, I highly suggest checking it out! It was worth the visit!
Have you succeeded and gotten yourself out from behind the camera lately?
Fun! We have a ridiculous amount of Legos here, and I really think my husband needs to become a master builder. This would have been great fun to participate in.
It looks like you had a lot of fun! Very nice.