The holidays are coming up fast. I don’t feature a gift guide like many other blogs do this time of year, so I am on a mini mission to share a few awesome giveaways for y’all! I am being very selective, to share prizes that I you would love as much as I would, or in this case, as much as my kids would.
Welcome to the Ultimate LeapFrog Prize Pack Holiday Giveaway
Hosted by, Night Owl Mama,
In the Kitchen with KP, Cheap Mama Chick,
Suburban Coupon Mom, Busy Momma Loves To Save
and many wonderful bloggers!
Get your children ready for a lifetime of learning with educational games from Leapfrog. The Ultimate LeapFrog prize pack for your child ages 3-9! Open up a world of learning with game cartridges and downloadable Apps for the LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer and Leapster Gs.
The LeapPad2 was rated #1 Kids Learning Tablet and in the top #20
Ultimate LeapFrog Holiday Prize Pack Includes:
- LeapFrog LeapPad2
- Leapster Gs
- Leapfrog Brave Game
- Leapfrog Leapschool Math Game
- Tag with Human Body Discovery Pack.
LeapPad2 and Leapster Gs offers a world of learning at your finger tips:
- Ultra Ebooks
- Game Apps
- Learning Video Apps
- Creativity Apps
- Digital Ebooks
- Flash Card Apps
- Foreign Language Apps
- Just for Fun Apps
- Expansion Apps
Along with the LeapPad2 Explorer learning tablet and Leapster Gs you’ll also get Tag with Human Body Discovery pack. Your Child will enjoy learning all about the human body and nutrition facts while playing with a 2-sided chart and game board with this LeapFrog TAG Interactive Human Body Discovery Pack! Use the #1 selling TAG Reading System to bring this human body chart to life.
Prize will go to One (1) Winner.
Open to U.S Only must be 18+ to enter.
Only 1 Person per household may enter.
**Please Note: Prize is not guaranteed to be delivered by Christmas but sponsor will do their best.**
Disclosure: In The Kitchen With KP received no compensation for sharing this giveaway event. In The Kitchen With KP is not responsible for prize fulfillment. Prize will be supplied by sponsor and mailed directly to the winner.
the leap pad 2 and the Brave game 🙂
My sisters LOVE Phineas and Ferb so I think they would like
The leap pad 2 would be perfect for my son!
definitely the LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer!
Definitely the leap pad 2
Twitter: ambersconfctns
The Leap Pad 2 – my 4-year-old little sister would love it!
Twitter: Janeeric03
Leap pad 2 would be a great assets for her to continue learning without even realizing it
My 4 year old is getting the leap pad 2 for Christmas so she would definitely love the leapfrog Brave game prize pack!
I’d give this to my goddaughter.
Lily would like the math game.
My baby girl would love the Leapster Gs and the Brave game! Brave is her favorite character!