Do you like to bake all sorts of brownie desserts? Is Dixie Crystals a brand you use? Then have I got the contest for you! I am sharing this on behalf of my friend, Isabel at Family Foodie, and founder behind the all new Food & Wine Conference this year in Orlando, FL. Dixie Crystals is a platinum sponsor of the conference and this is an incredible contest!
July 7 to July 12, 2013
The winner will be reimbursed for their full conference pass to the Food and Wine Conference in Orlando, FL. The winning dessert will be the featured dessert of the conference. The recipe will also be featured on both the Dixie Crystals and Imperial Sugar websites.
How To Enter:
1. Develop an original recipe for a brownie based dessert. It cannot be an adapted recipe.
2. Publish a blog post with the recipe between July 7 and July 12, 2013.
3. Share your blog post on twitter, facebook, Pinterest*, and Instagram between July 7 and July 12, 2013 using the conference hashtag #FWConf13
*There will be a special Pinterest board set up for this contest.
Dixie Crystals corporate chef, Eddy Van Damme, will select the winning recipe from all eligible entries. Chef Eddy will disqualify previously published recipes, such as but not limited to those in cookbooks, in magazines, from food companies, on food blogs, or recipe websites, and winners in cooking contests, unless the recipe features changes he considers significant.
Winner Notification:
The winner will be notified confidentially prior to the conference. The winner will be announced publicly at the conference.
1. Recipes must contain at least 1 teaspoon of Dixie Crystals product.
2. Recipe must be the original creation of Entrant. Recipe may not have been previously published or otherwise owned, sold or conveyed to a third party, may not have won previous awards, must not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity. Winner will be required to certify, on information or belief, that their recipe is their original creation.
3. Contest is open to entrants who are Food and Wine Conference attendees 18 years of age or older and not an employee, officer, director or agent of Imperial Sugar Company and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, promotion and advertising agencies and members of their immediate family.
So grab your Dixie Crystals and get ready to get your bake on people!
You could be a BIG WINNER!
[…] Do you like to bake all sorts of brownie desserts? Is Dixie Crystals a brand you use? Then have I got the contest for you! I am sharing this on behalf of my friend, Isabel at Family Foodie, and founder behind the all new Food & Wine Conference this …read more […]