Currently Browsing: Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday – An Apple a Day

As a family of four, there are very few things everyone in the family enjoys to eat. The hardest to satisfy lately is my two year old. Jed is at the stage where he only wants to eat fish sticks, dinosaur chicken nuggets, and cheese sticks. Lately, Jed has been asking for applesauce with dinner, […]


Top Ten Tuesday – Fall Flavors

I immensely dislike the heat, ironic too, that I made a conscious decision to move to the South.  Luckily, I can easily travel from air-conditioned house, to air-conditioned car, to air-conditioned office.  You get the idea. When the Fall cool weather starts to roll in and the leaves start to change, I happily get out […]


Top Ten Tuesday – Ways to Make Potatoes

So I have a little bit of a problem and it’s called Pinterest! Heaven help me! I am already a self professed Twitaholic, and now I am being sucked into this new plethora of incredible-ness. Yeah, that’s probably not a word, but give the Urban dictionary time. So for those of you that don’t know, […]


Top Ten Tuesday – Things I Would Do With Extra Time

As a full time WOHM, I find myself constantly wishing for more hours in a day. Usually these hours would be spent on necessary things like laundry or a special project at work. What if you were given 1-2 extra hours a day? Without having to reduce the amount of time you got to sleep, […]


Top Ten Movies I will Always Watch

There are always movies that repeated on tv a million times. Yet for the movies listed here, I catch myself stopping whatever I am doing, and sitting down to watch. I just have to see the title while clicking around in the DVR guide and the remote extinctively turns. I get sucked in every stinkin’ […]


Top Ten Tuesday Things I Want To Accomplish For My Blog

Top Ten Things I want to accomplish with my blog 1. Build and interact more with my online community 2. Improve my writing 3. Give me a place to corral my random thoughts 4. Take more pictures and improve my photography 5. Share fun and easy recipes 6. Creative an archive for my children and […]