Joy, Heartbreak and a Call for Support

About 5 weeks ago, my friend Melissa from Full Circle finally received word that she and her husband would indeed be able to adopt the two foster children in their care. Then tragedy struck. A week later, Melissa suddenly and unexpectedly lost her loving husband, Matt. Only recently did I find out about both pieces of news at the same time. My heart was both overjoyed and breaking at the same time for my dear friend.

Over the weekend, Melissa reached out to me to share this post of hers talking about a raffle for a custom bike her husband designed through a local bike garage. The proceeds of the raffle were to benefit her two newly adopted children (ages 7 and 2). Of course I shared the info of the Tonka Toy raffle via twitter and FB, and also asked a few friends to do the same.

I wanted to donate to the fund for Melissa’s children but to be honest, I had no interest in a custom motorcycle or taking the chance to win away from someone who did. So, I did what all of us bloggers do…I turned to online friends for more info. I reached out to others sharing the raffle as well and from the awesome @LavLuz, I found @KadiPrescott from Our Seven Seeds had written a lovely post about Melissa and her story and low and behold there it was…a button Kadi had already created for others to donate directly to the fund.

Without hesitation I clicked that little button and when I did, my eyes suddenly filled with tears. It was real.

Another friend was facing heartache and the loss of their beloved spouse, left with young children, and being thrust into single motherhood.

It’s unfair!
It shouldn’t be this way!
I can stamp my foot and be angry all I want.
But it doesn’t change anything.

I have never met Melissa in real life, even though I feel like I have known her for years. All I can do right now, is offer Melissa a virtual hug, and honestly, that just doesn’t feel like enough.

So I am spreading the word (and the link) so if you were looking for a way to donate to Melissa too, I am making it super easy for you.

Go HERE to Kadi’s site to donate and click the Full Circle button that looks like this…

In Melissa’s journey to become a mother, she has continually poured out love unconditionally, while being an amazing wife and friend to many.
It’s time Melissa received some love in return.
I know any support we can give Melissa will help make her present load just a little lighter.

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