Celebrate National Public Gardens Day at the #Atlanta History Center & No Admission Charge

We are full into Spring here in Atlanta and that means everything is in bloom.  Everywhere you look there is lush green and bright colors.  To celebrate National Public Gardens Day, the Atlanta History Center will be partnering with Better Homes & Gardens and the American Public Gardens Association on May 11th, to offer FREE Admission to the Atlanta History Center.

National Public Gardens Day, which is the Friday before Mother’s Day, is a day of awareness inviting communities across North America to visit and learn about the important role that public gardens play in our lives.

The Atlanta History Center is a unique campus that houses the Atlanta History Museum, Centennial Olympic Games Museum, Swan House, Smith Family Farm, six historic gardens, and the Kenan Research Center.  The FREE admission offer is only valid this Friday, May 11th, 2o12 and grants everyone access to all the Atlanta History Center has to offer, including the beautifully landscaped gardens.  There is a coupon that must be downloaded to receive this offer.

For more information on how to download your coupon, visit: http://on.fb.me/IHqPBw or for more information on National Public Gardens Day check out Better Homes and Gardens HERE.  And for some incredible pictures and  facts about Atlanta, check out http://atlantahistorycenter.tumblr.com/.

How will you spend National Public Gardens Day?


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